Hyland Baptist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024



Deacon Of The Month

Frank Chandler


Serving Deacons                                              
Clark Heffington
Chairman Of The Deacons

Frank Chandler

        Randy Silverthorn
       Bart Eblen
Vice Chair
Glenn Lancaster
R.J Shoulders
Ron Smith
Greg Duckworth
Secretary of the Deacons


What is a Deacon?

The word "deacon" comes from a New Testament term meaning "servant" and "ministry".  
 The first mention of deacons is in Acts 6:1-7 when deacons are appointed
to handle ministry and care for the needs of the local body of believers. 
The qualifications of a deacon are outlined in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
Deacon Term
Our deacons At Hyland serve on a rotation basis with each deacon serving a term of three years. 
There is a lapse of at least one year before a deacon is eligible for re-election.
Remember, even if a deacon is on the inactive list, he is always ready to serve God and our Church families.

How can a Deacon help you?

Of course, you are the only one who can answer that question. 

However, there are some specific ways your deacon wants to try to help.

  • Visiting you
  • Rejoicing with you and your family
  • Giving support in times of crisis
  • Answering questions about faith or the Church
  • Helping you know and find fellowship with other members and families in the Church
  • Helping you find ways to serve in and through the Church
  • Praying for you and with you
  • Because we care for you and your family,
  • the pastors and deacons of Hyland Baptist Church are committed in serving you and your family.
  •   We want to make certain that every member and family in our
  • Church experiences the love and support of the whole congregation.
Responsibilities of a Deacon
In accordance with the meaning of the word in the New Testament,
deacons are to recognize their roles as ministering servants of the Church.
They are to be members of this Church whose character and qualifications shall be specified in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
The deacon body shall serve under the leadership of the pastor and assist
him in performing duties in order to free him for the ministry of the Word.
The deacons will support and work with the pastor as follows:
·    To minister to believers and unbelievers
·    To care for the Church's members and others in the community
·    To demonstrate consistent stewardship through the deacon's example in tithing to the Church
·    To visit the sick, needy, and indifferent of the Church
·    To encourage and strengthen new converts and their spiritual walk
·    To be available at the worship services for assisting the pastor in
receiving new members and counseling new decisions
·    To be available to serve on a Deacon Ministry Team
·    To be able to serve the Lord's Supper
In accordance with the meaning of the work and the practice of the Church in the New Testament,
deacons are to be servants of the Church. Their task is to serve with the
pastor and staff in performing the pastoral ministries of our Church.