Hyland Baptist Church
Friday, January 24, 2025

Women Ministry -WOM


Annie Armstrong Easter Of­fering for North American Missions is March 28, 2019.  Hyland’s goal is $3,200.


Women On Missions

Women on Missions-needs your help with the following programs:
Blankets for the Kentucky Baptist Childcare Trailer
You and your church can make a difference for a child recovering from disaster. Warm, cuddly blankets offer comfort and security to children who have been impacted by a crisis. We need your help in providing blankets for each child. Purchase or make a blanket for a child. Please bring your donation to the office by Monday, February 20.
Must be new**Can be quilted; fleece, cotton, etc.**
Approx. size 36” X 48” 
This includes the following tasks.
Pray for and give to missions
Do missions
Learn about missions
Develop spiritually toward a missions lifestyle
Participate in the work of the church and the denomination
 Women On Mission
Women on Missions
February 15-21 is focus on WMU week. Hyland’s Women on Missions are actively involved in Mission Action in our community and beyond. Thanks for giving to the Annie Armstrong Offering for North American Missions, Eliza Broadus State Missions and Lottie Moon Christmas offering for International Missions. Following you will find the top Ten Reasons for Missions Education in the Church.
Top Ten Reasons for Missions Education in the Church 10. Missions Education creates a window on the world.
9. Missions Education helps a church stay focused  on the commission Jesus gave His followers.
  8. Missions Education leads to activities that help a church fulfill its mission.
  7. Missions Education begins at the birth of a child,    teaching him or her about God’s great love for  all people.
  6. Missions Education provides a platform for individuals to become mission’s leaders among   all age groups.
   5. Missions Education leads people to experience   missions personally through ministry and   witness.
   4. Churches with Missions Education are more  likely to pray for missions needs and give to 
   3. Missions Education creates an awareness and sensitivity toward people of other cultures and languages as people whom God loves.
  2. Missions Education creates an environment    where an individual can hear and understand God’s call and receive nurturing in that call.
 And the #1 answer is…because we are called to  do so.   The Great Commission says so (go ye   therefore and teach…)
    2013 Lottie Moon Offering for International  Missions
 Hyland Baptist Church Goal - $5,500.00
            The Lottie Moon Offering for International Missions Is much more than an offering envelope and an annual missions-giving emphasis. When people give to the offering, 100 percent of their gift will be transformed into missionary salaries and ministry supplies. Those missionaries and supplies will help others hear the message of Christ and respond in faith to His offer of salvation. Time and again our missionaries relate how the offering is their lifeblood. They know that behind each penny given, there is a Southern Baptist who believes in what they do and are affirming the need to equip them to share the gospel with those who need a Savior. 
There is one important thing Women on Mission members are women who participate in ongoing small groups, through individual involvement, by attending missions events, or by participating in a missions project.
Women can join Women On Mission even though they may not be able to participate in a group. Every article and daily devotional in Missions Mosaic gives guidance to the women who cannot participate in an ongoing group.

Women On Mission is a missions organization for women (ages 18 and up) through which women pray for and give to missions, do missions, learn about missions, grow spiritually toward a missions lifestyle and participate in the work of the church and the denomination.

The purpose of all Women On Mission activities is that every person have the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.

The goal of Woman On Mission at Hyland Baptist Church is to involve all women in doing missions, supporting missions and learning about missions. These opportunities are extended to the church-wide membership.
Meetings for the WOM are the first Monday of every month.
All ladies are welcome.
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