Hyland Baptist Church
Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Sunday School


9:00 A.M.
CONNECT² Gathering Place
Bible Study to help
Couples and Singles 
“Live Life on Purpose” 
Biblical Principles for
everyday Living
in the Home, Workplace,
Community, and Church
Jeanette Johnson  & Bart Eblen
In Worship Center
In the back foyer
On the Piano Side.
9:00 A.M.
Married & singles of all ages.
Our goal is to provide an atmosphere of loving acceptance where people can grow spiritually through class.
Frank Chandler & Donnie Pomponio
In Lighthouse
Lower Level
1st room
on the right
Room 104
9:00 A.M.
King’s Daughters
Senior women who enjoy being together. Love to serve others and
share God's wisdom with others.
 Shirley Smith
Sub: Marilyn Walden
Down the hall from the church office
. Turn right at the water fountain and enter the door to your left side Room 102
9:00 A.M.
Golden Circle
Adult women 50+ who enjoy being together and applying God's word
to their lives.
 Nancy Todd
In Lighthouse
Lower Level
1st room
on the left.
Room 107
9:00 A.M.
We believe God wants happy and caring Christians and with that in mind, we strive to maintain a positive and caring spirit with each other and  those we come in contact with. 
Sue Breedlove
In Lighthouse
Lower Level, 2nd room
on the left.
Room 106
9:00 A.M.
Gideon SS Class
A men's class,
married, single and widowers who love to study,
discuss & apply God's word.
R.J. Shoulders
Sub: Glenn
Pass the church office down the hall on the right
in the conference room. Room 100
9:00 A.M.
Babies to Pre-Kindergarten
Kid’s Ed Preschool
9:00 A.M.
Bed Babies
Birth up to 2 yrs
Teachers take time to understand how they play and how they learn and offer a foundation that is Biblically sound, age appropriate and fun.
In the Basement
1st door
on the left.
9:00 A.M.
2 yrs to Kindergarten
 Teach pre-schoolers in hearing God’s Word, knowing God’s Word and doing God’s Word by learning to apply it to their lives.
Carolyn Adams 
In the Basement
2nd door
on the right.
9:00 A.M.
1st - 5th
Kid’s Ed Children
9:00 A.M.
1st - 5th Grade
Children learn through fun, creative activities, basic Bible concepts and skills. Teaching focuses on Bible stories, scripture memorization, learning the books of the Bible, discovering God’s truth and applying it to their lives.
Steve & Beth Hook 
9:00 A.M.
1st - 5th Grade Girls
Children increase their basic Bible skills, both devotionally and as a resource to guide their daily living. Children learn to use other resources to enrich their Bible knowledge.
Dwight and Belinda Sutton
Babies through Pre-Kindergarteners are invited to remain in the pre-school department for Extended Teaching Care where teachers will continue to meet the spiritual and physical needs of your child during the worship service. Please make sure children are appropriately signed in prior to the beginning of Sunday School or Worship. You may stop in at the Kid's Ed Welcome Center for more information regarding care for your children during Sunday School or Worship.
Children are dismissed from the Worship Service after the Children’s moment to the Kid's Ed department for WORSHIP KID’S STYLE. Children in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade are led into a fun, interactive worship that focuses on the Creator.
9:00 a.m
6th - 12th Grade Boys and Girls
High School & Middle School Students
Garrett Seay
In Lighthouse
Upper Level
1st Room on Right.