Hyland Baptist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Special Events



How to Use Your Gifts to Glorify Christ




As Christians, we are all given gifts and talents by God to use for His kingdom and glory. The question is, how can we begin to use our gifts?

First, I want to be clear: Any time we use our gifts is an opportunity to glorify God. If you’re a singer and someone compliments you on your voice, a God-honoring response would be, “Thank you, this is God’s gift to me and I try to use it for His glory.”

Let’s talk about a some possible opportunities to use our gifts for God!

If your God-given talent is entertainment-oriented like singing, dancing or playing an instrument, you could talk to your pastor about joining the worship or drama team at your church. If your church doesn’t have a drama/dance team, partner with some other gifted people (make sure at least one of them is gifted in administration and organization!) and talk to your pastor about starting one!

To bless people in your community, contact convalescent homes or homeless shelters to offer free performances for the facility. You can bless the people with your routines and then spend some time talking to them and maybe even praying for them!


If your talent is teaching, ask your Sunday school teacher for permission to teach your Sunday school class occasionally, or ask to teach a class in the children’s ministry department.

Alternatively, and if you are brave, you can ask a teacher at school if they would be willing to let you help them teach your class! This may require some extra work, but I can almost guarantee that if you do this, somebody is going to ask, “Why?” Then you can tell them how God has gifted you to teach!

If your gift is communicating, by all means find your favorite form of media and communicate your heart out! Use YouTube, WordPress (or another blogging service), Facebook and Twitter to communicate your message. Use your gift to communicate the Gospel and to draw much-needed attention to causes that you care about!

Last but not least, if your gift is administrative or organizational, you have a foundational gift. Your gift is the backbone of successful ministries everywhere. So if your friends have gifts like those listed above but don’t know where to begin, use your gift to help them. Your gift helps the Kingdom of God by supporting, directing and organizing others. You help the rest of us get our ministries up and running!

How are you using your gifts and talents to glorify God? What other ways can you glorify God with your talents?

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons (1 Cor. 12:4-6).