Hyland Baptist Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Become A Member of Hyland



How to Become a Member of Hyland Baptist Church. 
 membership logo

Hyland Baptist Church is a Family of Faith passionately committed to following Jesus Christ.  If you would like to join with us and will be supportive of our church, we warmly invite you to become a member. Here are the steps to becoming a member:

Becoming a Member :(Matthew 16:15-19)

Section 1.
This church shall be composed of individuals who have given satisfactory evidence of repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, and will enter into this church’s covenant and will unite with this body by one of the following ways upon vote of the church:
(1) By Baptism
All persons professing in the Lord Jesus Christ shall be examined publicly by the pastor 
or ministerial staff to assure the church that those received by baptism have felt themselves to
be guilty, ruined, hopeless sinners, and under a sense of their lost condition have trusted in Christ for salvation.  All persons professing in the Lord Jesus Christ shall not be considered regular members and in fellowship until after being baptized.
(2) By Letter
Members of other Baptist churches holding like faith and order, may be received as members by letter of dismissal from such churches (after being counseled with).  Individuals coming on promise of letter shall not be considered regular members and in fellowship until receipt of his letter.
(3) By Statement
A person may join this church on his/her statement that he/she is a believer and has had scriptural baptism.  We define scriptural baptism to be baptism of a believer by immersion in water as a symbolic expression of the believer’s faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, the believer’s death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus.
A.  A person may join by statement, (after being counseled with) if our church is unable to secure a letter of recommendation from their previous church where they were baptized by immersion.
B.  A person may join by statement, (after being counseled with) if they are coming from another denomination stating that they have experienced scriptural baptism as defined above.