Hyland Baptist Church
Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Church History

Hyland Baptist Church began when the members of Audubon Baptist Church saw a need for spiritual growth in the rapidly growing Audubon Heights Community. A committee was formed in 1946 to look for a suitable place to begin a mission. Property was purchased on October 9,1948, at the corner of Wright and Letcher Streets. A tent was placed on the lot for a revival meeting. On October 24, Audubon Heights Mission was formed and a Sunday School was organized with six classes and thirty four people. Worship services were held in a house on the property that later became the parsonage. 
In May of 1949 a plan for the mission building was adopted. The basement was completed and the first service was held on September 11, 1949, with ninety one people in Sunday School. On August 19, 1951, under the leadership of the first pastor, Rev. A. A. Thacker, Hyland Baptist Church was organized with one hundred ten charter members. Construction on the sanctuary began in 1954, and the dedication service was held on July 17, 1955. The Educational Annex was completed and dedicated in 1967. The Abernathy property at 1115 Letcher Street was purchased in 1985 and the house was used for youth activities. A special business meeting was called on January 1, 1987, to discuss building a Family Life Center on the Abernathy property. A motion was made and passed unanimously. On April 6, 1987, a motion was made during the regular business meeting to begin the “Together We Build” fund raising program. A special called business meeting was held on May 16, 1987, and the church voted to proceed with building the Family Life Center. The Trustees were authorized to borrow up to $170,000.00. On Sunday, April 24, 1988, the congregation met to break ground for the new Family Life Center. Construction was completed and dedication services were held on November 16, 1988.
The Lord continued to bless Hyland through the years. In April of 1994 the church voted to construct a new worship center on the property adjacent to the existing sanctuary. Construction began in August of 1995 at a cost of $1.4 million. The first service in the new worship center was held on June 23, 1996. The dedication service was held on Sunday, July 21, 1996.
Sunday, August 19, 2001, Hyland Baptist Church celebrated 50 years of ministry with a wonderful day of worship and fellowship. There was a special recognition of the charter members with several former ministers participating in the service. We shared laughter and tears as we reflected back on where the Lord has brought us and looked forward to where He is going to lead us in the future.
Pastors who have served at Hyland are Rev. A.A. Thacker, Rev. Harold Ware, Rev. Robert Bozarth, Rev.W. Earl Nelson, Rev. Louis Rideout, Rev. Ray Vinson, Rev. Alan Witham, Rev. Jeff Coursey, and Rev. Don Moore.  The church called Rev. Kenny Kidd as its pastor in April 2012.
Many men have served in ministerial staff positions through the years.  John Boggess and Robert Wiley served as Minister of Music.  Gary Holder, Gary Maynard, Steve DeVoss, Steve Kincaid, and Eric Allen served as Minister of Music and Youth.  Jason Cowan served as Minister of Students and Senior Adults.  John Gaters served as Minister of Music and Education.  John Brothers served as Minister of Worship and Students.  Rev. E. Keevil Judy graciously and lovingly served as Interim pastor at different times in the life of Hyland. 
Through the years, because of prayer and the leadership of the Holy Spirit, Hyland has continued to be a witness in this community. From great distances, the Hyland steeple can be seen as a reminder of her mission...to point people in this community to JESUS.