Men Ministry

We want you to become servant leaders in your home, your family, your church and your community. We are here to empower and support you while you develop the kind of Godly character you need in order to live out God's purpose for your life.
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
Our Men's Ministry group meets for breakfast fellowships throughout the year. You'll get a great meal, quality time with the guys, and a to-the-point devotional that actually applies to your life. Oh yeah, it's free, so don't come alone! We also have summer cookout ,Fish Fry , Sports Events and Guest Speakers as well.

In life, if we have an accountability partner, someone we confess our weaknesses to and "use a sounding board", someone that can pray with us and a be a true friend, someone to fellowship with in the Lord and to be a true Christian friend, I believe this is the lesson in this verse of "iron sharpening iron. When we get knocked down in our faith, the hand of our friend will be held in place to help us up. This is not meant to take the place of our communication with the Lord, but is used as a tool in our daily lives to help us along this journey and to strengthen our faith. "It takes iron to sharpen iron. Sharpening a knife requires iron at least as hard as the knife. Once sharpened, a knife is bright, sharp, and ready for much more productive service.